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Project Two: Library App Usability Report

For this solo project, I created a usability report for an app released by UNC Charlotte's J. Murrey Atkins Library. I had users test the app and perform several tasks, then summarized their experiences and recommendations in final report to the library staff. 


Tools used:

  • Ex Libris library app in iOS

  • Adobe InDesign

  • Zoom (to record test sessions)

Project Planning Memo

After an initial discussion with library staff and some investigation of the app, I started to plan my report. 


User Tasks - Draft 1

When planning the usability test, I was careful to choose tasks that were common but also complex.


Testing Instruments - Personas & Script

I wanted to test users from a variety of personas - age, gender, device type, and connection to the university. I created task lists and testing scripts for the campus community (faculty, staff, and students) and for guests.


User Test Summary

I tested the app with five users and took careful notes on their experience.


Stylesheet - Draft 1

There was so much information in the final report that clear graphical communication was critical. A stylesheet helped me keep track of specifications, such as type style and size, margins, borders, and colors.


Report - Draft 1

The report to library staff included an overview of the process, detailed test information, and a list of recommendations for improvements to the app.


Peer Editing

Two classmates reviewed the report and made suggestions for improvements.


Project Two & Self-Assessment

The completed report included a summary, detailed findings, and background information such as the script used for user testing. 


Instructor's Assessment

My professor reviewed the project and made suggestions on content and design.


Final Version of Project Two

Based on my professor's feedback, I made some text changes and added two appendices to provide extra information on the user tests.

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